Irish country side

Irish country side

Friday, July 2, 2010

Top Ten Things I Learned on This Trip

I guess since I can't remember anything else about my trip, this will be my last post. I have enjoyed writing it thinking that someone might really read it. I typically journal my trips which I can't talk anyone into reading. So thanks for indulging me. To conclude, I will share with you the top ten things I have learned from this trip.

1. You can eat sausages for 17 days straight and your cholesterol is OK. I had blood work done at the doctor Wednesday and this is a true miracle.
2. You can escape the mosquitos in Memphis but the midges in Ireland are stealth.
3. Don't assume that when you are going to see a castle it is out of a story book. Most of the ones you see are a pile of rocks.
4. Captain D's needs to learn to cook real fish and chips.
5. How much hot tea does a person really need in a day?
6. When you think a road is one lane because it is so narrow, a tanker truck will come towards you. To prevent scratches on your rental car, put a steel plate down the left side.
7. I still don't know how to convert kilometers or Celsius.
8. People in Ireland drive on the wrong side of the road.
9. There is a smell in Ireland and it is sheep poop. Don't eat while you are passing a fertilized field. If you do, you will regret it.
10. The showers are small. If you are big and drop your soap, just rinse off. There is no way you will retrieve it without busting out the glass with your butt.

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